For the past seven years, I’ve been training in Tantra with some of Europe’s best teachers: Leora Lightwoman, John Hawken, Seva Prem and Gayatri. In the last year, I’ve assisted Leora and Gayati a number of times. I began my spiritual journey with regular visits to Cornwall and Ireland in the early 1990s. In Cornwall I was given the gifts of yoga and shiatsu by my late uncle and undertook studies in both, qualifying from Bristol School of Shiatsu in 1996 and eventually becoming a qualified yoga teacher with Devon School of Yoga in 2014. I am qualified in Swedish massage. I am also a practitioner of conscious Kink, sometimes known as Dark Tantra and view work with the shadow side of the personality as often crucial to self-development.
My sessions may include techniques including massage and bodywork, holding space, ritual, sensuality, breathwork, and tantric energy work. Please note that while I am experienced in yoni or female genital healing I do not offer a similar service for men. I am however available for body and tantric energy work for male recipients.
Why Tantra?
We live in a busy world. Increasingly we are living on the edge, working more hours, eating on the run and sleeping less. Imagine if we stopped. Just for a couple of hours a week. Stopped. Taking time to replenish our energy and tune into our subtle flow. Taking the pressure off. Choosing and being guided in the experience of what you wish to receive.
Regular tantric work increases creativity and is the perfect antidote to a stressful lifestyle. Tantra taps into the depths of a human’s being and can begin an exploration of who you really are and what it means to be you. In many cases, this will involve sensual massage. The tantra I offer runs deeper than that. You will feel more open and alive. We will work with the chakra system and tune into your deep-down-ness.
My Offering to Women
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to spend a couple of hours with me as your guide and take a journey just for your own unselfish pleasure?
My service for women includes techniques such as massage and bodywork, yoni or vaginal massage, holding space, ritual, sensuality, breathwork, tantric energy work. You may wish to come and receive a deep relaxing massage and be held in that space. You may feel to journey into your sensuality or experience your sexual aliveness. We may go very deep and tap into the depths of you yet to be revealed, or we may be light and playful. You may experience a range of emotions from joy and peace to anger or sadness. Within this, we will always make sure the space is safe and held.
I am passionate about reawakening feminine energy and the positive effects this will have on our planet standing alongside a rebirth of a new form of less patriarchal form of masculinity.
My Offering to Men
I love working with men. We seldom get together and share honestly. Let’s face it men have problems at the moment. Feelings of disempowerment, lack of intimacy, unhappiness at home or at work have all contributed to a rise in illness and even suicide amongst men. Men who have studied basic Tantric techniques report many improvements in their lives including a greater sense of intimacy and connection with their partners and a better sense of our own selves. Tantra can also offer help with erection difficulties, premature ejaculation and offer new techniques and ideas for improved sex lives.
Often our physical bodies tell us what we need to hear. Held on to emotion can manifest in pain or feelings of stuckness. In Tantra we allow ourselves to be with the feelings and move them when we are ready. To accept ourselves, transform and grow. Tantra is a journey that can take us to our core. The “natural” human way is to meet our demons and run. To hide in our ‘busyness’ or addictions. Tantra enables us to move through the darkness and find our natural human birthright. Our bliss.
I am currently offering sessions in London, Brighton and Bristol.
Please email me at and we can discuss working together.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Selwyn is a rare and precious being who effortlessly blends the safety of deep presence with the sensitivity of intuition and flow. As a Tantric practitioner myself I am very discerning about who touches my body and how. When I place myself in Selwyn's hands I know I can fully relax into trust. You can literally feel Selwyn listening to your body and responding to it's needs moment to moment. Nothing is rushed or pushed. It is a space to drop deep into being and I cherish the gift this brings.
Gayatri Claire Beegan, Tantra Massage Training
I wanted to thank you so much for your dedication, love, commitment and presence on the Advanced Tantra Day. You really enabled it to be special, possible and wonderful.
Leora Lightwoman, Tantra teacher