
Lia Love



Lia is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, experienced Voice Dialogue Facilitator, Animist, Lightworker, Dragon and Priestess of the Magdalene Lineage

Combining the tools of conscious-touch coaching with psycho-spiritual parts-work, ancestral healing the Human Design bodygraph. Lia is passionate about supporting individuals and couples to bring conscious Awareness into the relational field of intimacy, supporting individuals and couples on their journey of sovereignty and empowerment to show up in their fullness in service to all Life and our conscious evolution.

Lia offers this work as a path to embodiment, allowing access to the full breadth and depth of our body’s spectrum of somatic experiencing. Bringing a culture of radical acceptance for all the parts of our system, Lia utilises the pioneering science of neurobiology learned in her somatic sexological bodywork training and the Model of Consciousness embedded in the Voice Dialogue modality to support the unwinding and metabolising of inherited and experienced trauma, allowing and enabling more freedom and real choice for her clients.

Growing up in a household that was lacking in physical contact Lia had to suppress her natural self-expression and longing for touch in order, it felt, to survive. She has been on a journey of recovering and remembering her true embodied nature for many years now, unwinding trauma from this life and her ancestry. She has three growing daughters in her wake who she is passionate about being part of creating a new emergent culture of acceptance and allowing in the world so that the fullness of who we all are can have a place to be safely expressed and offer a pathway to a new level of conscious evolution on this planet.

No matter where you are on your journey of bringing consciousness and consent into your experience of pleasure- for yourself and for others around you- Lia is available to support you to

• deepen your capacity for presence and connection in our most vulnerable places

• hone your inner knowing of what your truly desire • resource you to ask clearly for what you long for

• build your capacity for inner stillness within intimacy

• develop capacity for offering presence for others

• foster greater Awareness of coping/survival strategies

• calve out direct routes to pleasure

Lia’s sessions are focussed around co-creating safe consensual containers where she will join you on a journey into and onto the edge of your evolution. Within your window of presence, she will support and coach you to create new pathways of experiencing pleasure. Lia is passionate about suffusing her work with radical acceptance and embodying the benevolent culture in which the fullness of who-we-really-are can rest into.

Using Betty Martins Wheel of Consent, Voice Dialogue parts work and Body Focusing techniques we can navigate:

Consent and boundaries – physical and energetic

Body de-armouring Body shame

Sexual conditioning in all its myriad presentations

Libido challenges

Difficulty achieving orgasm

Cervical Awareness Prostate Awareness

Anal mapping

Core Erotic Theme

Pleasure mapping

Mindful self-pleasure coaching

Scar tissue remediation

Every session is co-created consensually and will always focus on working within the clients felt sense of safety.

The work is based around finding the clients ‘resilient edge of resistance’- the place where there is the potential for growth and metabolizing trauma. Sessions can range from fully clothed and voice-based to fully naked active receiving of erotic touch and erotic exploration. This bodywork is all one-way touch and gloves are used for genital and anal touch


Sexological Bodywork session £140 for 90 mins £90 for extra hours.

Please don’t let my prices be a barrier to you reaching out for support. I do offer a certain amount of reduced rates for those experiencing financial challenges.

Session near Sidmouth East Devon Bring your shadow ways of being to shine the light of Awareness upon them and co-create a renewed culture of acceptance for them within our hearts and without.

Services & Offerings

somatic sexologist in person and online



" I’ve has sessions with Lia both in Voice Dialogue and Sexiological Bodywork. I continue to feel incredibly grateful for the ways and depths in which Lia is able to hold space. Not only is she very present with me, but I experience her as having deep layers of understanding of complex psychologies and systems, so that when I share what’s going on for me, she is able to witness, empathise and reflect using a solid tapestry of methodologies that she weaves seamlessly, in an embodied way, with so much heart and love. So I feel very held and seen not just as an individual but in the context of my social and cultural existence, and her deep and wide insights help me bring more compassion to my wounded and hurting parts. As a result I feel less like the problem is in me, and more able to see patterns that are societal inherited and common, which helps me feel less alone, relieved, softer and therefore more empowered and motivated to tend to what wants tending to. I highly recommend Lia as a skilled facilitator and space-holder."

"Primarily my shame is in regards to my sexual nature, where I have always felt completely inadequate, terrified and unworthy. Until I met Lia I had never been able to open up about this, and it remained a deeply shameful secret that had left me lonely, sad and frustrated. Over time, with her attentive, kind and non-judgmental presence I am integrating more and more of this painful repressed energy, and even being able to get in touch with the exciting wildness my body holds and had never felt safe to express.

I have been able to do this because Lia is so attentive to what is happening for me, and has the awareness to go slow in whatever we are doing so that no fear or resistance is ever pushed past. I am good at forcing myself on through wilfulness, but this approach has trampled on many young, wounded parts of my psyche that are finally getting an opportunity to be felt and expressed. This has been one of the keys to the transformation I am experiencing with Lia’s support."

"In the past I have done forms of relational therapy and I have done 1-to-1 conscious sexuality sessions. Both of these have been helpful, but I think Lia is quite unique in that her training and gifts allow her to bring these together, which have made our sessions exponentially more potent for me, allowing me to slowly open up to a healthier relationship with my sexual nature - something I didn’t really think was possible - rather than simply having a pleasurable but ultimately meaningless sexual experience. "

"Lia is able to seamlessly flow wherever the energy is going for me, whether that be holding me in deep grief and despair or allowing expression of her weirdness and wildness. Lia has impeccable integrity and clear boundaries that she has never crossed, which is so vitally important once the powerful forces of eros are invoked. She manages to occupy the sensitive space of being an open, available and fully engaged human being in a relational practice while maintaining absolute professionalism.

It has been a challenging journey for me with Lia, and there is much more I still want to explore. It has brought me face-to-face, repeatedly, with the parts of myself I’d prefer to keep hidden. And with the aid of her embodied wisdom and kind encouragement I am little-by-little transmuting my deeply dysfunctional relationship with my body and my sexuality into one of love, respect and pleasure.

I experience more openness and connection with all people in my life and I am hopeful for the future like never before."


Somatic Sexologists

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February 2025